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What happens if you fall ill whilst in pension drawdown without an LPA?
Nearly four out of five retirees on income drawdown could face hardship in later life because they haven't set up a Lasting Power of...
Paws For Thought
Don’t leave your pets out of Estate planning! When it comes to estate planning we talk a lot about PETs, but not often about pets (of the...
The Roulette Wheel of Document Storage
Everyone in the UK right now is unsure of what the future will hold, especially with Brexit around the corner, the extremely hot summer...
8 Reasons NOT to Write a Will
You like the idea of intestacy You're perfectly happy to the State to decide who will benefit on your death.You like the inflexibility of...
Funeral costs a ‘ticking time bomb’
Whatever your age, planning your funeral may not be one of your immediate priorities. It’s definitely one of the more depressing tasks...
Do First Time Buyers need a Will?
Becoming a first time buyer is exciting, scary, sometimes stressful and thought provoking. At this point in your life you begin to feel...
If I was in a car crash and lost capacity, who can make decisions for me?
I think that most drivers and passengers can definitely say that they have either been involved in a car crash or involved in a near miss...
A new report has proposed taxing the baby boomers to help resolve major issues around intergeneratio
The report, published by the Intergenerational Commission in May, offers ten policy recommendations which would represent a radical...
Increased Inheritance Tax Benefits for Couples
Couples could now save an extra £20,000 of inheritance tax (IHT), as the residence nil rate band (RNRB) increased in April 2018. The RNRB...
Is Not Making a Will Selfish?
Not everyone has a need for a Will, if you don't care about where your money, investment, assets, properties or possession's end up, then...
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